
7 Common Debunked Tech Myths You Should Know

OTR Mobile Blog

It's no secret that the tech world is full of myths and misconceptions. From common myths about technology to more obscure ones, there are plenty of things out there that people believe to be true but aren't actually true. So, here's a list of debunked tech myths:

Myth #1: Wireless charging is more efficient than wired charging.

Wireless charging is not more efficient than charging cables. In fact, it's not even as efficient as charging with a cable. Wireless charging is slower than wired charging and requires you to place your phone down on the pad while it charges. This can be inconvenient if you're in the middle of something else or trying to multitask. Wireless chargers also require that you set up an area where they'll work properly before using them; this means finding somewhere clean and flat (or at least relatively flat) for all those wires coming out from under your bed or couch cushions. If this isn't possible for some reason—or if whatever surface doesn't work for them doesn't fit into some kind of case—then wireless charging might not be worth doing at all!

Myth #2: All lithium batteries are the same.

All lithium batteries are not created equal. Some have higher capacities and voltages than others, which can make them more powerful and efficient. While some lithium batteries charge faster than others—which means you'll be able to get your phone back on the grid sooner—others may take longer to charge or discharge at their full potential. The important thing is that you know what kind of battery pack is inside your phone or tablet before purchasing it so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not its performance meets your needs.

Myth #3: You need to upgrade your phone yearly.

You don't need to upgrade your phone every year. There's nothing stopping you from getting the newest smartphone, but you absolutely don’t have to, either. The fact is many phones are able to receive software updates for years after they were released (sometimes even longer). Between a new phone and a year-old one, the average user will only be able to notice a minimal difference in performance. This means that your phone will likely be more powerful than the latest models on the market, but only if you take care of it properly and keep it updated. You can keep your current smartphone for as long as possible by simply using it with care and doing regular maintenance.

Myth #4: You only have to update software and connect devices once a year.

This is one of the most common myths in tech. It's also completely false! You need to update software and connect devices on a regular basis, especially if you want to keep your cyber safety at risk. If you don't do this, your device could be vulnerable to hackers and other bad guys who can steal or damage private data or even make your device unusable altogether by installing malware on it (and yes, this does happen). The best way to keep yourself safe online is by updating regularly—but not always! Some people choose not to update their software because they think it will slow down their devices too much; others simply don't care about security because they don't use social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook very often to begin with. But even if all you do is check email once every few weeks instead of every day like most people would prefer (or maybe even never), just remember: keeping up with updates means keeping yourself safe from hackers who might try stealing personal information from computers connected via Wi-Fi networks.

Myth #5: All the devices in your home are connected to the internet and vulnerable to attacks.

It's true that all of your devices are interconnected via an Internet-connected network, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily insecure—the same way you can't expect a car with hubcaps and fenders to be bulletproof, you shouldn't expect a router or modem with just some plastic casings around it (which is what most people buy) to be invincible. In fact, it's actually possible for someone who knows what they're doing (and has access) to compromise even these seemingly impregnable devices if they really want to! The key here is knowing how these systems work and taking preventative measures before something else goes wrong. So, what can you do to protect yourself? Well, one of the easiest ways is to keep your network up-to-date. This means updating your router and modem's firmware as soon as new versions become available, and don't forget about keeping track of any new features or functionality that might have been added along with them—this ensures that any security vulnerabilities are patched before it's too late.

Myth #6: Smartphones are a dying technology.

You may have heard that smartphones are a dying technology, but you've probably also heard that they're not. The truth is that smartphones are still the most popular type of phone, and they're getting more powerful and have more features than ever before. They're also becoming more affordable as well as having better battery life, faster charging times (and even wireless charging), better security against theft or loss of your device, and other benefits like Apple Pay and Google Assistant, which can make your life easier!

Myth #7: Smartphone batteries don't last that long.

Let's get this out of the way—the amount of time your smartphone will last depends on a lot of factors, including the type of battery it has and how you use it. For example, if you're constantly playing games or streaming videos while using your phone, then that's going to drain its battery faster than just sitting in standby mode all day long (which isn't good for any kind of electronics). But there are also other things that can affect how long your battery lasts as well: how many apps are installed on your device, what time zone you live in, and whether or not those apps are updated regularly by developers. If these things aren't taken into consideration when deciding whether or not an app is worth installing onto your phone—or even just opening once in a while—then chances are high that said app will quickly drain down any available charge left from its last usage session!

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